Finally Finished!!

As it turns out, the blocks were the easy part!  This is one of the most challenging borders I have ever done.  I had lots of help!

Once I saw that the sawtooth border did indeed fit, I could relax a little.

Ta da!

Now that it’s finished, I have been rambling around the house feeling a little lost!  So I worked on the blocks from Barbara Brackman’s Grandmother’s Choice.

Til next time….


7 thoughts on “Finally Finished!!

  1. Your quilt top is absolutely gorgeous! I can’t believe how much the border adds to it. Congrats on getting that to come out well–so nervewracking at times. I had to laugh about the ‘feeling lost’. So true after you’ve been wrapped up in a project for awhile!

    • I would be thrilled! Just give yourself time to get used to this new method. I always iron 2 layers of freezer paper together to make the template a bit thicker. Good luck! P.S. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me!

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